Cosmo on Campus: My Promo Job!

Saturday, 18 October 2014

I mentioned a few weeks ago that over summer I applied and was accepted as a Cosmo on Campus Brand Ambassador for my University. If you'd like to read about how I came to get this job, read here. It was a fairly stressful but rewarding experience overall and I thought it would be fun to write about the crazy day that involved rain, a few awkward encounters and giving away lots of free stuff. 


I was teamed up with two other Uni students, one in third year and another in second year too. We were given hoodies which were supposedly 'one size fits all' but quite clearly XXL. In hindsight I'm really glad to have been given this size because I might actually sleep in mine - score! The job was quite simple: give out a truck-load of magazines to as many Uni students possible, using the freebies to draw attention to the stall initially and create a campus-wide buzz. (The products were Missguided Nail Polish, St Tropez Instant Tan, Sunglasses and Vera Wang perfume samples) It was really easy in the first few hours because who doesn't want free product samples, however in the final hours of our shift we had taken to being really pushy saleswomen and distributing the magazines further and further across campus. All in all I really enjoyed the job and would advise any students to apply for Brand Ambassador positions when they become available - your Facebook friends may get a bit tired from seeing your ten-million promo status updates but the hours are flexible and the day will definitely be memorable. The funniest moment was when a male Uni student came over to the stand thinking we were selling a magazine targeted at guys *rolls eyes*. Additionally I ended up in a strange conversation with a male International student about how he "didn't like the cover". Paloma Faith, if you'd like to tweet me with a thanks for defending you, my account is @Melissa__Kaye.

Find out more about Cosmo on Campus here
