How to Style a Dirndl

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

As you may or may not know, I study German at University and am really involved in the 'German Society'. This means that I have to help run events, look after the freshers and regularly style out my definitely-not-authentic Dirndl. This post is about some of the events we ran so far this year. For any true Germans out there, we love your culture and understand that Germans don't typically dress in Lederhosen and Dirndl's; it's simply a Bavarian tradition! I'm also going to write briefly about some of the reasons why you should visit the dream-land of Deutschland. 

Promoting German Society at the Annual Freshers Fair!

First German Social: Bar Crawl

Oktoberfest with 3rd year George 

Count the Bier!

Another Night Out Selfie with my fellow 'Bavarian' friend!

More Lederhosen!

To finish off, here are my top reasons to learn German / go to Germany..

  • The food and drink is amazing. If you're not a fan of beer (myself included), try a 'Radler', it's a mix of beer and lemonade which makes it sweeter and more like a soft drink.
  • There's so much history in Germany and although it's not exactly uplifting, there's so many different places to visit and explore. I'll be going to Berlin in February if you'd like me to write some Travel Posts!
  • If you have an interest in business, Germany is one of the biggest trade partners the UK has. Any level of German language skills would be impressive on your CV and help you get a job.
I could go on and on about my love for Germany but I'll end it here with a recommendation to take a trip there at some point if you can. It will really be a unique experience! Prost!

Have you ever been to Germany? Where abouts?
