As you might expect, the final year of university is a stressful one. Coming back from a year abroad can be daunting as it's almost as if you're returning to reality after a year of travelling, socialising and having a bit of a break. Many of my friends have found it difficult to jump back into the world of CATS and the holy 2:1. But ultimately, I've had an enjoyable four weeks so far and I thought I should reflect on this and write up a blog post, similar to my 10 things I wish I'd known before starting a year abroad.
So far I have learned that..
1. I really enjoyed that extra Erasmus money last year. It took a while to be paid but it would be quite nice right now.
2. I have some of the best friends and I need them to get through those long library days. I'm hoping that the memories made in fourth year will be some of the best.
3. On the other hand, I've also realised that you can't get on with everyone. Final year isn't about drama and fallouts but if you can't get on with someone, it's best to just put them out of your mind.
4. The cost of living is so much more expensive here than in Germany. Gone are the days where you could buy coffee at university for 85 cent. I'm pretty sure half of my university loan gets spent on the cafe at the business school...
5. Nothing feels better than being ahead on your workload. It doesn't happen very often to me but it's worth it.
6. Despite this, in final year it's all about the balance between work and play. You simply can't say yes to every night out, without losing focus and money, but you do also need to reward productivity with fun. In whatever form that may be.
7. No-one is perfect. It's easy to compare yourself to your friends but no one gets life right 100% of the time.
8. If you're coming back from a year abroad, everyone looks younger.
9. Even in first term, the words 'applications' and 'deadlines' are more horrifying than Halloween.
10. I rarely watch TV or films any more, if I do it has to be something worth my time. Like the new season of Humans for example.
I hope you enjoyed reading