Things I'm excited for in A/W

Thursday, 11 September 2014

As the summer is coming to a bitter end, I thought it might be fun to write a post about all the things I'm looking forward to the latter half of 2014.  
1. Going back to uni, of course. Long distance Skype friendships have been difficult this summer but I know it's going to make the big reunion even more special. There's less than three weeks to go now and I've already had an invite to the first society house party of the year! Cannot. Wait. 

2. Decorating my new uni room. I must have been an interior designer in a previous life because nobody goes crazy about colour schemes and poster artwork like I do.

3. Getting back into the 'Languages Mind-Set'. I haven't spoken a word of German in three months and my brain - thanks to Netflix - definitely needs re-booting.

4. Living in a town rather than a village. My uni house is a fifteen minute walk away from Topshop!

5. Wearing scarves and boots. There's nothing I love more than walking around campus in my tan long boots, clutching a fresh cup of coffee. Unfortunately in many cases this journey leads to the library *sigh*.

6. The Birm ingham German Christmas Markets! Yes I know it's waaay too soon to be getting excited about Christmas but the Germans have this holiday season covered and the Glühwein there is gorgeous! This year the market is scheduled for the 13th November to the 22nd December.

7. Autumn Winter Makeup. Dark nail colours and berry lipsticks will be my go-to everyday look and I can't wait to write blog posts about my favourite A/W beauty products!

 8. I'm really excited about the new album 
'No Sound without Silence' by the Script - I already love the single 'Superheroes' and in my eyes, Danny O'Donoghue can do no wrong *swoon*.

9. The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay. 
Peeta Mellark needs to be back in my life. It's been far too long. 

10. Season 6 of The Vampire Diaries. The season 5 finale was just too much. Any TVD fans?

What are you all looking forward to this Autumn Winter? 
