An Exciting New Opportunity

Friday, 26 September 2014

This week I received some really great news about a new job opportunity to work with Cosmo on Campus magazine as a Brand Ambassador at my University. My role is to help run the promotional campaign so that as many students as possible know that Cosmo are coming to Warwick on the Thursday 14th October! 

The process of getting this job was similar to any other: I had to write a killer CV, explain why I would be a suitable candidate and complete an interview. The interview, however, was a video interview which is something I'd never heard about. It was a somewhat stressful experience as you are asked questions by the computer and your answers are recorded via webcam. My tips for remaining calm in this situation are as follows: 

1. Don't learn your answers word by word as your personality won't shine through. 

2. Try and look into the webcamera as much as you can - you would never avoid eye contact with a real life interviewer. 

3. Remember that the other candidates will be just as freaked out as you are. It's ok.

A sassy selfie before the video interview!

I hope you enjoyed this post, it's more personal than my fashion and beauty related pieces but I really wanted to share my good news with the blogging community because talking about how passionate I am about my blog in the interview may have been that finishing touch to get me my dream job - even if it's only going to last a month! This job, however, means that 'The Modern Audrey' will probably have to take a backseat in terms of my priorities for now but I've already written some posts for next month and I'm going to try and post as much as I can.

Thanks for all your support and for keeping reading. Also, if anyone has had a similar job to this I'd really appreciate some advice!
