Goodbye Göttingen: Year Abroad Week Twenty-One

Thursday, 25 February 2016

I wish my desk looked this pretty all the time. Normally it's cluttered with everything from makeup to jewellery to random to-do lists. Today, however, it's looking nice and minimalist because I'm moving out on Saturday. I'm leaving the beautiful German town of Göttingen where I started my year abroad journey nearly five months ago. I have mixed feelings about my time here because on one hand I've met some amazing people from around the world and it's been amazing to actually use my German but on the other hand I've always felt a little homesick and it was hard not to wonder whether I was having as much fun as I should be. When I met up with some friends in Hamburg a few weeks ago it definitely put things in perspective but I'm still glad that I was able to - after months of hard work, persistence and luck - find a work placement so I could move somewhere new and hopefully have a bit more fun! I've enjoyed my time here but I'm also really excited to begin the next chapter of my year abroad in Berlin. I also can't wait to start sharing more of my year abroad experiences in conjunction with my normal fashion and beauty posts as I really enjoyed writing travel posts last year. But to round up the first five months of my up down rollercoaster year abroad journey so far, I thought I'd show you a few of my favourite photos from my time here in Lower-Saxony and mention a few things you have to do if you're here. 

I wish I had taken more photos of the Christmas markets to show you but it's definitely the best time of year to visit Germany. Trust me it's cold but the festive vibe is nothing short of magical. If you're not here then, my favourite things to do here have been eating cake, drinking hot chocolate and visiting the small local towns such as Kassel and Hannoversch-Münden. If you're a student at the university you're gifted a travel card for the whole of Lower Saxony (meaning I travelled to Hamburg for free yay) which is lucky because the town doesn't have too much going on entertainment-wise. I enjoyed taking the train to Hannover on the weekends but I think a fresh start is just what I need. 

Thanks for reading; I hope to post soon about getting settled in Berlin!
