Happy December! I hope you're enjoying the start of the Christmas season and looking forward to spending time with friends and family. It's been quite a spendy month for me as my Erasmus grant finally came in and I thought I'd treat myself to a few bits and bobs before I go home to England at the end of December.
The first thing I wanted to do was make my room Christmassy - which started off with a festive reed diffuser and escalated to a whole new bedding set. The Primark in Hannover is amazing for Homeware and if it weren't for the busy train home I'd probably have purchased even more *oops*. There's definitely a rose gold reindeer theme going on here but I thought it would come together nicely and as you can see from the photos below, it certainly did.
As you'd expect, the prices in Primark are very reasonable and I believe the silver bedding set was around 18 Euro. Yes it's rather Christmassy but I think I can just about get away with using this in January too.. The brushed cotton fitted sheet is a dream to sleep on and the reindeer print adds to the overall theme - as does the cushion. The copper / rose gold coat hangers are very elegant addition to my wardrobe and I know for a fact they're available in England so get going!
I also thought I'd treat myself to some new Pajamas and found a great alternative to the Victoria Secret ones I've been lusting after. The trousers are slim fit and very comfortable so if you're looking for something comfy but not oversized, the slim fit range is a good choice. The green bobble hat has been my new favourite thing this winter - after realizing I don't look terrible in all hats - so I'd definitely recommend checking them out. It was not placed in the photo as an intended outfit suggestion but..?
Finally, a few miscellaneous items that I've splurged on! A Christmas novelty tee from H&M because why not (10 Euro) and a Lancome Christmas make-up set. The star product from this mini collection is the healthy glow powder as the compact size is perfect for travelling. The Hypnose mascara is good but I won't be buying the full size edition, I suspect the DollEyes version might be more my thing. The Rouge in Love lipstick is a cute size and a pinky red shade. Sadly I can't find it online but if you see one in Douglas, it's worth a look. Leaving the best till last, I managed to get my hands on a Ciate Mini Mani Month Advent Calendar for 30 Euro in TKMaxx which is a bargain considering it retailed at £49 in the UK. I've been loving the colours so far, if you'd like me to post a mini review let me know.
What festive treats have you been enjoying this month?