Year Abroad Week One - Girl in Göttingen

Saturday, 10 October 2015

So last weekend I made the big move to Germany for my year abroad. It was all the things I expected: stressful, emotional and downright confusing. Moving abroad isn't easy, from praying your suitcase isn't over the weight limit, hauling it on and off trains to trying to get your bearings in a completely new foreign city. My first day was one of the worst of my life; it just so happened that I'd chosen to begin my year abroad journey on a German bank holiday. Most shops were closed and would be the following day too - a Sunday - meaning all I could think about was how I was going to cope food-wise and kitchen essentials-less. Luckily I was with my friend from England but we ended up spending hours looking for the occasional corner shop to stock up on a few things. And then the shower in my flat broke, which was fun. But despite being quite home-sick this week and thinking a lot about friends and family that are either scattered across Germany or back home, I can now say I'm starting to get used to life here. 

 For the next few months I'll be in Göttingen, a small-ish town about half an hour from Hannover. This blog will still be mainly fashion and beauty related but I'll be posting the odd travel piece from time to time just so you can get a glimpse of my new life in Germany. I've met a few other Erasmus students already so I'm sure there will be many adventures to come. My highlights so far have been...
  • Getting through a conversation at the German O2 shop, resisting the urge to go into English or whip out Google Translate 
  • Being mistaken for German.. temporarily
  • Getting the shower fixed (Happiest day ever)
  • Drinking a Radler (beer with lemonade) in a traditional German pub
  • Going to a German club and becoming obsessed with the song 'Geiles Leben' - Youtube it now!
  • Discovering that you can apparently pan fry frozen fish fingers here!? Yes I have been eating healthily Mum
  • Going into a Douglas store for the first time and not wanting to leave
  • Remembering to bring a plastic bag with me to the supermarket, that one time
  • Putting up some Audrey postcards in my new room

I hope you enjoyed this post, I may be in Germany but I'll still be writing as often as I can

Bis dann!
