Surprise surprise, it's another Topshop OOTD. A year ago my wardrobe was full of New Look items and although New Look still has a very big place in my heart, I often prefer Topshop for quality pieces that won't go out of style. This is the outfit I wore for date night earlier this week.
In the January sales I managed to pick up this beauty of a top for £8, I love the crochet collar and can see myself dressing this up for drinks nights or down for uni. The black Topshop Joni Jeans I'm wearing are a new addition to my Topshop family and probably the last big clothes purchase I'll be making for a while *sob* - with the small exception of a prom dress for a uni ball I'll be attending next month. The Joni Jeans are super high waisted, super comfortable and around the £36 mark. I know I'll be wearing these a lot in the colder months, my spring skirts and dresses won't be coming out for a while, it is the UK after all. Saying that, I find that the best way to get over your January blues is to start injecting some colour into your wardrobe which is why I love this red top so much.
What's your favourite item from Topshop?