Berlin has transitioned from Winter to Spring Summer in the course of about three days. After telling my family to pack big coats for their weekend here, I quickly had to correct them that it was in fact light jackets and sunglasses they needed. My outfit for this day is full of bright pastel tones and I was so happy to finally wear the New Look jacket I've been hauling around Germany for the past six months. The Brandenburg Gate was a fairly difficult backdrop to use due to the dozens of tourists but I managed to get a few good outfit photos while the weather is so glorious. My sister even decided to make a cameo in the last one!
Unfortunately as my jacket was last season so it's not available any more but New Look have brought out some similar floral blazer designs which I might even like even more! My jeans are Topshop Jonis and my pink boxy top is from Primark. I've linked a similar top below as it's impossible to find online.
Are you starting to wear pastel colours this season?