Fashion Fitness Haul & New Starts

Saturday, 23 May 2015

The words 'Melissa' and 'Exercise' rarely exist together in the same sentence. And if they do, it's usually related to my mantra that 'shopping is exercise'. Over Easter, however, I decided to make a few positive changes in my life and deciding to get into fitness was one of them! Admittedly, this was fuelled by my new obsession with fashionable sportswear which I'm going to be discussing in today's post. The items I've bought are specifically for cardio at the gym and my beloved weekly pilates classes - which I would recommend to anyone, especially if you suffer from joint pains. I personally have found that owning bright, comfy sports clothes encourages me to go to the gym once or twice a week, often as a revision break or de-stress. Luckily two of my flatmates joined at the same time, meaning we can motivate each other and it's less of a chore to go. My favourite shop for fitness wear is H&M which I have been hugely impressed with - quality-wise, price-wise, style-wise. I also recently ordered an outfit from the infamous Fabletics which although delivers its promise of beautifully designed products, was fairly disappointing in ease of exchanges. In addition, I'd advise not to make the mistake of signing up to the VIP membership as I did! Many people have been caught out by the small print in the contract but luckily I cancelled in time and can still enjoy my beautiful £26 outfit! The photos below are some of my recent fitness-related purchases and how I style them. 

Yoga mat - Amazon
Leggings - Fabletics
Trainers - Next
Pink sports top - H&M
Mosaic print sports top - Fabletics
Green sports top - H&M
Running belt - Amazon
Running arm band - Amazon
(Below) Blue hoodie - New Look

Summer is the perfect time to get into a new sport or hobby and it's great to see how you improve over the weeks - setting targets is essential. I'm also starting to compile an effective workout playlist which I might share in a future post - yes Taylor Swift does feature.

Are you a fan of fitness fashion? If you have any recommendations for where to buy sports wear or gym kit, please leave a comment 
