Gone Girl: Book Review

Friday, 24 April 2015

Although The Modern Audrey is primarily a fashion blog, I like to try different things and I was inspired to write my first book review after reading Gillian Flynn's famously popular Gone Girl. I had absolutely no preconceptions about the plot of the novel, all I knew is that there was a film adaptation and it was high up on the Kindle Bestsellers List. I was intrigued. 

The plot

I won't spoil the story for you if you haven't read it, but the novel is written from two perspectives - Amy Dunne and her husband Nick. The couple seem blissfully happy on their five year anniversary but things go terribly wrong when Nick comes home to find his wife missing. She's quite simply, gone. The story unravels slowly and the reader is left in constant suspense and confusion about what could have possibly happened to the beautiful, kindhearted Amy Dunne. 

The characters

Again, not spoiling anything, Gillian Flynn is fantastic at building the characters as the story moves along, simultaneously placing and removing doubt at every turn; you'll never know who to trust. It's the definition of a page-turner.

The end

I can't say I was satisfied with the end of the book and I'd love to know if you agree or disagree? I personally feel that it was rushed and uninspired but don't let that put you off if you're considering reading it. It'll have you gripped and obsessed by the plot for a good few days. 

The film

Gone Girl was released as a film last year, starring Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike and Neil Patrick Harris. Initially I wasn't convinced if Rosamund could portray Amy in a way that meets all her characteristics but I was very impressed in the end. A word of warning, though, the film is an 18 and quite rightly so. It's a thriller and some scenes aren't for the lighthearted. I wouldn't recommend it for a girly night in. 

Have you read Gone Girl? 
