The Highlighter Round-Up

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Ever since the Becca collaboration with Jacyln Hill, the beauty world has gone crazy for highlighters. Whether it's the powder, liquid or cream formulas that float your boat, there really is something for everyone. This post is about my current highlighter collection which is a bit of an update from my post from February My Highlight Heroes. I've tried out so many new highlighters in the past five months from a range of brands and it's now a new step in my makeup routine.

Top Ten Things to do in Berlin

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Seeing as I spent four months in Berlin, I thought it was only fair that I write a blog post about my 'must see' and 'must do' activities in this amazing city. Some of them are fairly obvious and 'touristy' but if it's your first time in Berlin, you just have to do it. There may be technically more than 10 things on here but that just shows that Berlin really does have something for everyone.

1. Brandenburg Gate (Brandenburger Tor) and the Reichstag (German Parliament)

A trip to the Reichstag has to be booked in advance but it's amazing to see where the German conferences are held. The Brandenburg Gate is probably the most touristy spot in Berlin but it's great for photos and it was even a popular place to watch the Euro matches a few weeks ago.